Congratulations to the following honor roll students.It is always encouraging to see our graduates advance to the next stage.
國立臺北藝術大學Taipei National University of Arts
劇場藝術設計研究所舞台組Graduate Institute of Theatrical Design and Technology
劇場藝術設計研究所燈光組Graduate Institute of Theatrical Design and Technology
國立臺灣師範大學National Taiwan Normal University
表演藝術研究所Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
劇場藝術創作研究所表演組Graduate Institute of Theatre Arts and Playwriting
劇場藝術創作研究所Graduate Institute of Theatre Arts and Playwriting
國立師範大學National Taiwan Normal University
柏克萊音樂學院Berklee College of Music
音樂劇寫作與設計研究所Master of Arts Program in Creative Media and Technology(Writing and Design for Musical Theater)
劇場設計研究所Master Program of Theatrical Design and Technology
東海大學Tunghai University
表演藝術與創作碩士學位學程Master Program of Performing and Creative Arts
樹德科技大學Shu-Te University
人類性學研究所Graduate School of Human Sexuality
國立中山大學National Sun Yat-Sen University
藝術研究所Graduate Institute of Arts